Monday, August 3, 2009

Thing #10

This image generator stuff is really cool! The first thing that I did was create a cartoon of me. I don't think it looks too much like me but I tried. Here is a cartoon of me:
I also created this really cool mosaic in the shape of a star: ImageChef Word Mosaic -
I really think that it is neat that you can create these pictures to enjoy but also you can use them to teach. You could use these in your classroom to help students get more familiar with using the internet and to be creative! If you would like to create a mosaic like I did you can visit: and if you would like to create a cartoon version of you, you can visit:

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love both the cartoon self-image and the word-mosaic that you posted. That avatar-esque cartoon looks more realistic than the yahoo-avatars (even if it doesn't look like you).
    I think one idea that would be cool to use that mosaic in class would be to have students think of all the words they would use to describe themselves and have them put into the shape of a person. I've never tried the mosaic generator so that shape might not be available. Still a cool idea though.
    Great post Ashley!
